Vert is an online platform where you can:
You were asked to do so because every organization is required to measure, report, and reduce its carbon emissions throughout its entire value chain (Scope 3). That means that associate organization are also accountable for your company’s emissions, just like your company is accountable for carbon emissions along all your value chain.
<aside> 🌍 Interested in using Vert to collect emission data from your value chain? Contact us.
Now, let’s go over the steps for achieving a comprehensive and up-to-date measurement of your company’s carbon footprint.
When signing in you’ll create an account for your company, with your details as a contact person. Vert will request information about the organization’s size in terms of revenue and number of employees. This information will be utilized to benchmark your organization against comparable firms in your industry and of similar size.
Upon signing in, you will notice that the Activities Table displays a list of recommended activities, which are currently empty, that you will need to fill with last year’s data.
<aside> 💡 An activity refers to any action taken by your organization at any point in the value chain, such as sourcing raw materials, employing workers, and burning fuels, among others, that contributes to the emission of carbon (GHG) either directly (scope 1) or indirectly (scope 2&3).
This initial set of data will give you a preliminary assessment of your organization's annual carbon footprint and will serve as a benchmark for your continued efforts towards decarbonization.
How to edit those activities?